Board of Directors

Dan Hertzler, Board Chairman

M.A. Cal State Dominguez Hills

Assistant Principal

Mr. Hertzler is currently an Assistant Principal at California Connections Academy.  California Connections Academy serves more than 4,000 High School Students across the state of California through their fully virtual school model.  Mr. Hertzler oversees the academic recovery program, Project Success, and works closely with a team of teachers and counselors to support credit deficient students earn their High School Diplomas. 

Prior to joining California Connections Academy, Mr. Hertzler was an Assistant Principal at Animo Ellen Ochoa Charter Middle School, a Green Dot public charter school in East Los Angeles' Boyle Heights Community.  Along with the other administrators, he oversaw the daily cultural and instructional needs of the school, serving about 450 6th-8th grade students. Prior to this he was the Director Instructional Operations & CA Charter Development for the Opportunities for Learning & Options for Youth Public Charter Schools. In that role he supervised 35 resource centers serving approximately 7,000 students, managed school budgets, strategic growth plans, and coordinated charter petition writing. 

He has extensive experience in classroom technology integration, Local Control Accountability Plans, data-driven instructional programs, and California’s charter petition and renewal process. He earned his Administrative Services Credential and Masters in Educational Administration from Cal State Dominguez Hills.