

Help us connect and grow the community of IVA Alumni by signing up to be a featured IVA Alumni!

We want to ensure that each fox is represented and celebrated.
IVA looks forward to following alongside all of our foxes.
Welcome to the IVA Alumni community.

IVA has served over 1000 students in Long Beach and surrounding communities!

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IVA's Founding Class of 2016


IVA's Class of 2017

IVA's Class of 2018

IVA's Class of 2019

IVA's Class of 2020

IVA's Class of 2022

IVA's Class of 2023

IVA's Class of 2024


What is it about IVA that creates personal, rigorous education for students?
Let's hear from IVA Alumni to see what they experienced!

When asked: "How did IVA prepare you for High School?"
Students responded with...

  • It helped me develop skills to take on academic challenges instead of being nervous and unsure about them
  • It sent me to high school with the right mindset to face all the challenges that come with a new environment
  • It helped me with the higher level of classes
  • IVA prepared me for high school by teaching me how to be thorough with my answers and to be open-minded because there’s so many different people that I now know and know I don’t know. Also, I’ve been autonomous instead of just copying what everyone else says, I ask questions to get the best understanding
  • By teaching me to be autonomous, thorough with my answers, and to not be afraid to ask questions
  • by knowing how to work through tough problems
  • I learned how to think better using virtues and being open-minded
  • I’m not afraid to raise my hand in class
  • IVA helped me with open-minded thinking and good work ethic
  • it made me be myself
  • by preparing me for the more open class styles as well as not being afraid to ask questions
  • I know what to focus on, how to prepare for tests, and how to socialize with the locals
  • I was well prepared for math

When asked: "What do you think that IVA has done well?"
Students responded with...

"What I think IVA does well is teaching us kids not only in class but outside of class even on the blacktop. What I mean is that they don't only teach us things in class but we can have a conversation outside of class because we either have access to that or you just have a conversation with the rec-aids on the blacktop and they are very open about any topic"
"IVA is good at supporting people where they are and encouraging people to think deeper and try new things"
"Something that I think that IVA does well is providing a lot of support through test corrections and office hours. The teachers are always gracious and willing to go over work again while still allowing me to solve problems on my own"
 "I think that IVA has done a good job of embracing ideas and using different ways of thinking. They encourage people to share their thoughts and ideas so that we can expand and disagree with them. They also do well with different thinking routines because it helps people understand problems better by seeing in in different ways." 

When asked:"When you first started HS, what did you notice about the academic culture or class environment that surprised you?"
Students responded with... 
  • It wasn’t very good, not inspiring
  • Everything was faster paced and not very intimate (I was afraid to ask questions)
  • Students are loud and obnoxious. They are handed paperwork in the beginning of class to turn in at the end
  • It was a lot more quiet and less interactive
  • How much people were on their phones
  • How disrespectful students can be to teachers and the school
  • Class environment was loud and noisy
  • It was more laid back than IVA
  • The classes were more focused on work, and a lot quieter. The classes were also shorter with a more fast-paced schedule
  • People were surprised I wasn’t afraid to speak in class
  • The grading system moved really quickly and changed every day