IVA Parent Teacher Organization


We value parent involvement at Intellectual Virtues Academy Middle School! 

IVA's PTO was built for the unique needs of IVA and encourages all families to participate and become members. The purpose of the PTO is to enhance and support the educational experience at IVA Middle School, to develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parental involvement, and to improve the environment at IVA through volunteer and financial support. 

To get involved, look for details and sign-up links in the weekly parent newsletter and on IVA PTO's social channels. Most needs can be completed in 90 minutes or less (yes, really!) and many more can be done from home.  


ANNOUNCING THE 2024-2025 PTO SLATE (updated June 2024)

BOARD OFFICERS b_332_307_16777215_00_images_PTO_Screenshot_2023-08-02_at_113400_AM.png

  • Sarah Locke
  • Sylvia Betancourt
  • Alicia Estrada
  • Sarah Mesa-Haas
  • David Pulitzer
  • Janell Frontiera
  • Ryan Antes




Stay up to date on all the latest happenings at IVA:

Join the IVA PTO Facebook Group

Follow us on Instagram IVA PTO IG

CONTACT the PTOThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




We value parent involvement, in whatever capacity you can give!  

You can sign up now for a PTO membership online with the QR code in the graphic or by clicking: 
You can also pay by cash or check by filling out a member form at the IVA school office. 100% of your PTO dues support and stay at IVA Middle School and are not passed through to local/state/national chapters. 
The IVA PTO raises funds for field trips, classroom enrichment, PE equipment, school dances, student events, clubs, outdoor beautification, and much more! Anyone can be a member: teachers, school administrators, students, parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, friends, and even neighbors! 


The IVA PTO General Membership meeting dates for 2024-25 will be held over Zoom at 6:30pm on: TBD

Meetings include Parent Education topics that our parents have expressed interest in. 
These presentations are between 30 and 45 minutes. PTO updates will also be given in person at the start of each Parent Education Academy. 

All IVA families and PTO members welcome!

Points of Access: Parent Connection to School

Ways for parents to be involved in their students' learning and character formation at IVA. 

  • Back to School Night - Experience learning at IVA! How do you evaluate a school program for effectiveness? 
  • PTO General Meetings - Support enrichment! How can parents get involved in activities and events at the school site?
  • Parent Academy Nights - Be a part of the discussion! How do we use an intellectual virtues approach at home? 
  • Parent Conferences - Apply the virtues to learning! What is my child's relationship with learning and how does that play out in the classroom? 
  • Aeries and Google Classroom - Support your student! How can I sit alongside my child and help them navigate assignments and communication with teachers? 













The IVA PTO raises funds each year for 6-8th grade field trips and transportation costs; classroom needs; all-school enrichment; student events and school dances; school site improvements; teacher appreciation and support; promotion; and much more!

Raise Craze is a unique fundraiser where students pay it forward by completing Acts of Kindness for others. While not every child can raise money, every child CAN spread kindness.

This fundraiser was chosen because we believe giving back to the community helps shape the character of our students, gets everyone involved and teaches the value of gratitude. Curious how fundraising through kindness works? Check out this brief video.

Raise Craze is intended to be a fundraiser where the community reaches out to their friends, neighbors and family, and how about local businesses with a goal of $25,000 a year or about $106 per student. Our goal is to have 100% participation in completing Acts of Kindness. No Act of Kindness is too small!

***The school does an Annual Family Fund whose goal is to raise $60,000 each year in order to maintain our small class size of ~26 students to each teacher.  



Family support is critical to the success of IVA’s unique educational model. Each family at IVA is encouraged to volunteer in ways that fit your unique skills, experience, and passions. Parents will have the opportunity to serve in a variety of different ways consistent with their schedules, including but not limited to participation in the PTSA, classroom assistance, event chaperoning, event leadership, Science Fair judging, office assistance, field trip chaperones, after school clubs and activities, After School Academy, after school tutoring, and special projects. (No parent or student shall be penalized or receive differential treatment as a result of not performing volunteer hours.) We believe that an expectation of this sort is critical to building the kind of educational atmosphere and community that will allow IVA to realize its unique educational vision.

Students, teachers, staff, parents and community all benefit from the work of individuals who give of their time and talents. IVA has a comprehensive Volunteer Handbook that will be available on our website and at Orientation we will explain how you can get involved as parent volunteer. We welcome your ideas! 

Sign up by contacting the PTO or call our office for more information.