Board of Directors

Eric Churchill, Vice Chairman

PhD Case Western University, MBA Azusa Pacific University 

Associate Director, Global Oncology Training Lead

Eric Churchill, associate director at Millennium Pharmaceuticals, is a founding board member and current chairman of IVA's board of directors. Dr. Churchill carried out academic research for 10 years in the areas of cardiovascular biology and cancer before joining the pharmaceutical industry. As a senior medical science liaison, Dr. Churchill helps develop and launch clinical trials, and educates physicians at research centers around Southern California.

Dr. Churchill holds a bachelor's degree in human physiology from California State University, Long Beach, and a Ph.D. in cellular physiology from Case Western Reserve University. He conducted postdoctoral research at Stanford University and most recently received his MBA from Azusa Pacific. 

Dr. Churchill has served in different roles at various non-profit organizations focused on international adoption and child advocacy. He is a co-founder and president of an organization that advocates for children in the foster care system. He and his wife are currently fostering five beautiful girls in addition to raising their biological daughter.

Dr. Churchill works with researchers in the medical field to build consensus, understanding, and collaboration. Through his service with non-profits, he implements processes of board governance and structure to help boards run effectively. All of these skills are integral for the proper functioning of a school board.

"I like the notion of fostering life-long learning in all students. If kids understand what it means to think deeply and critically, they will enjoy the learning process and will seek more challenging tasks leading to growth. By fostering this type of learner, our schools will be transformed and filled with students who thirst for knowledge. This, if sufficiently encouraged, will spill out into our local communities bringing about lasting change."