In order to provide time for Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences IVA is on a Minimum Day Schedule and will see all three classes but with shorter time blocks.
More about the conferences:
This year we have scheduled our parent conferences for 7th graders right after the first semester report cards and comments are released. We have set conferences up at this time during the year students-teachers- and parents can discuss together how the students are connected to their learning - and how the virtue play out in a practical way in their daily practices.
Our conferences are distinct from what you might have experienced at another school. Students are a vital part of this conversation!!
These conferences are set up in 20 minute sessions with two teachers in conference - parents will sign up for the available teacher slot.
In order to provide time for each and every student at IVA to conference with their parent and a teacher we will be limited on time and follow a protocol. These conferences are intended to support big-picture transition ideas and explore how the student feels connected to learning. Because of this, students and parents will not be able to meet with each of the 6 teachers a student has but the two who are in the meeting will represent the thoughts and support of our teacher team. More information on signing up and the protocol will come in the newsletter.
If at any time you need a parent conference with a teacher, please request it directly.