Dear Families of 6th Grade IVA students,Hope you're all well!Thanks to so many generous responses for donations, I believe we should be able to fundraise for our 6th graders to attend the temporary exhibit, "King Tut: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh." Even more exciting is that we were able to also schedule time to visit the Space Shuttle Endeavor while we are there to reinforce their Science curriculum!As previously mentioned, our PTA has generously provided funds for transportation; however, entrance fees for the exhibit will need to be raised through donations. Below are the details for the field trip cost, payment method and payment due date.
- Cost: $13 per student
- We have a need for subsidized entrance fees so if you said in the survey that you are in able to pay for 1 or more students as a donation, it would be greatly appreciated (and needed).
- Payment method: Cash or check payable to "Intellectual Virtues Academy"
- Dropped off at the front office
- Payment due date: Wednesday, April 11th
Additionally, below are some important details about the field trip. Please expect a permission slip in Illuminate next week for your signature.
- Date: Wednesday, April 25th
- Leaving School: 8:20am
- Returning to School: 3:20pm
- Please note, we may run late depending on traffic so we will keep you updated via an automated text/call
- Transportation: LBUSD busses
- Destination: California Science Center
- Exhibits: King Tut (Social Science) and Endeavor (Science)
- Lunch: Bring from home (if you usually receive Choice Lunch, please plan to pack a lunch for your child this day as they will NOT be available this day)
Please note, any remaining funds beyond the cost of the ticket for all students would be donated to our school field trip fund. We plan to have 3 teacher chaperones; however, we are also in need of 5-7 parent chaperones so if you're available to join us please email me as your time and help would be greatly appreciated.This should be a really fun, memorable day for them and should align very well with their Ancient Egypt unit. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks so much for your generosity to make this possible!Warmly,
Kim Adamson, Social Science Teacher