
The IVA Family

IVA has attracted individuals who desire to grow in their own intellectual character. Whether that be the students and parents of IVA or our Board of Directors, Faculty, Staff, and Support Staff. Learn more about the individuals who bring their whole selves to IVA's innovative educational model. 

What education experts are saying ...

From Ron Ritchhart, Senior Research Associate, Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education, and author of Intellectual Character: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Get It, Making Thinking Visible (with Mark Church and Karin Morrison, 2011), and Creating Cultures of Thinking (2015):

“As an educational researcher, I have to say that I am very impressed with what the school, its teachers, and leadership have been able to accomplish in just two short years. There is a deep level of commitment among all stakeholders to combine high standards, intellectual rigor, disciplinary understanding, and development of students’ dispositions of thinking. Such a commitment is rare in education today. Often schools settle for just one of these lofty goals while perhaps giving lip service to the others. Not IVA. At IVA, the teachers view these goals as not competing but complementary. They view their students as learners capable of deep thinking and understanding and eagerly apply the tools I have provided to support their students in a comprehensive fashion. This means that each student is known by all of his or her teachers, classes operate as a community of learners supporting each other, and teachers provide the level of intellectual challenge and support needed by each child.”

“In my work with schools around the world, I visit hundreds of schools each year. Most of these schools desire but struggle to create a true culture of thinking for their students. Too often there is not a strong understanding and commitment to this goal or teachers and leaders at the school lack a vision of how a school might be other than what they have known. I would love for these teachers and leaders to visit IVA to see how school might be construed differently. Such a visit would allow them to see how a public school can both prepare students academically, engage them intellectually, and foster the development of habits of mind for a lifetime.”

From Philip Dow, Superintendent of Rossyln Academy, Nairobi, Kenya, and author of Virtuous Minds (2013):

“As I have spoken on intellectual virtue education around the world (most recently in Germany, Portugal, the US and Kenya – with a conference in Thailand next month), I am consistently asked for examples of where intellectual virtue education is being done well. Despite the fact that it has only been in existence for a few years, at the very top of my list is IVA in Long Beach. There are many schools that are beginning to integrate the ideas and practices of intellectual virtue education, but no school (including my own) has done so with the thoroughness, thoughtfulness, and effectiveness of IVA … [I]n my opinion, there is no school that is better poised to be the model for schools in the US and around the world who are beginning to implement an intellectual virtue approach in their classrooms.”

From Karen Bohlin, Head of School at the Montrose School in Medford, MA, senior scholar at Boston University’s Center for Character and Social Responsibility, and author or editor of several books on character education: 

“The teachers, the academic program, the opportunities for reflection, the evaluation rubrics at IVA all conspire to keep students in the driver’s seat of their own learning. It helps, too, that the intellectual virtues are visible, attractively worked into the motif of every classroom. You get the distinct impression that everyone in the school community, from Principal Jacquie Bryant and her teachers, to every student, knows that he or she is part of something larger than themselves—and this ‘something’ is quite exciting.”

From Richard Lerner, Bergstrom Chair in Applied Developmental Science, Director of the Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development at Tufts University, and winner of three lifetime achievement awards from the American Psychological Association:

“Both my own research, and developmental science more generally, have discovered that the healthy and positive development of America’s youth depends fundamentally on their possessing the life skills to succeed not only in regard to academic tasks but, more importantly, in the endeavors required to have a life marked by personal and social well-being and by commitment and positive contributions to civil society and democracy. As summarized in several books I have authored or edited, researchers and educators have learned as well that such academic, personal, family, and community successes rest on a foundation of character virtues. Of course, the translation of this knowledge into educational programs providing this foundation is a significant challenge. However, the IVA continues to be an exemplar for our nation of how to productively meet this challenge!”

What people are saying about IVA ...

Our mission is "to foster meaningful growth in intellectual character virtues in a thoughtful, challenging, and supportive academic environment." We gauge our success at this mission by many indicators, one of which is feedback we receive from students and parents.

See here for a sampling of student feedback collected in an annual school-wide (anonymous) survey.

See here for a sampling of parent feedback. 

See here for feedback from other educators and education researchers. 

For additional indicators of IVA's success, see here for comparative survey data and here for test scores on the Smarter Balanced assessment. 

About IVA


b_398_993_16777215_00_images_schoolinfographics1219.pngIVA is a free, non-sectarian, independent public charter middle school in Long Beach, Calif., and the first to offer an education based on an "intellectual virtues" model. The school opened its doors in the fall of 2013 to a founding class of 6th graders. IVA added a class of students each year and is currently at its full capacity of 234 students with 78 students in each grade level 6th through 8th.

IVA has been opened since 2013 having served over 600 families in Long Beach and promoting five classes 8th graders into high school and beyond. IVA is a small middle school with a particular educational philosophy chartered by Long Beach Unified School District and proud to serve the students of Long Beach. 

The goal of an intellectual virtues educational model is to foster meaningful growth in the personal qualities or character attributes of a good thinker or learner: curiosity, wonder, attentiveness, open-mindedness, creativity, intellectual tenacity, and related traits. Intellectual virtues are sometimes referred to as “habits of mind,” “thinking dispositions,” or “non-cognitive skills,” and include grit and persistence.

Teaching for intellectual virtues is not an alternative to teaching rigorous academic content. Rather, rigorous content provides an opportunity for teachers to foster intellectual character growth. IVA's curriculum is closely aligned with the recently adopted Common Core State Standards. Our teachers approach the curriculum thoughtfully and reflectively so that students may develop a deep understanding of the material and practice good thinking, while mastering the standards.

IVA’s focus on intellectual character transforms the typical teacher-student interaction, student-student interaction, and even teacher-teacher interaction. Our model encourages active learning through agency and inquiry in discussion, argument, deep conceptual understanding, and metacognition -- the ability to decide when and how to use a particular problem-solving strategy. Our intellectual virtues model also determines our instructional practices and how we consider homework, make-up work, and grading policies.

IVA is closely connected to cutting-edge educational research on intellectual character education. Co-founder Dr. Jason Baehr is director of the Intellectual Virtues and Education Project at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles. IVA's curriculum and teaching model make significant use of Harvard's Project Zero research, especially the work of Ron Ritchhart and his colleagues. Since its opening, IVA has received much attention both nationally and internationally as a school implementing an intellectual character program with fidelity and buy in, see below for some of our current research partners. b_339_279_16777215_00_images_IVA2016Tshirt3.png

 IVA was founded by a group of parents, educators, and community members who love Long Beach and are passionate about public education. Founders and board members include public school teachers, a charter school administrator and social worker, four university professors, a scientist, a university administrator, a marketing and advertising expert, a graphic designer, a human resources expert, a corporate VP, a finance and real estate expert, and an attorney. IVA's Founding Class of 2016 Alumni includes 56 Long Beach families who are passionate for education and dedicated to their children's intellectual character formation. The opening of IVA was made possible in part by a generous grant from the John Templeton Foundation.

You can view current demographic information from California School Dashboard here.

You can view the public hearing of IVA’s charter petition to the Long Beach Unified School District here.












Board of Directors

Mission and Vision

IVA MISSION: to foster meaningful growth in intellectual character virtues in a thoughtful, challenging, and supportive academic environment.

IVA VISION: to equip students to engage the world with curiosity and thoughtfulness, to know themselves, and to live well.


  1. Sense of purpose: we deliberately align all of our thinking and decision-making with the mission, vision, and values of the school.
  1. Culture of thinking: we ask questions, seek understanding, and practice the habits of good thinking.
  1. Self-knowledge: believing in the importance of self-knowledge, we practice ongoing self-reflection and self-awareness.
  1. Openness and respect: we strive for a strong sense of community marked by collaboration, empowerment, and intentional openness and respect for the thinking of others 
  1. Growth mindset: being optimistic about the potential for personal growth, we embrace challenges and regard failure as an opportunity to learn and improve.

 IVA MOTTO: equipping every student to learn and live well. 


Principal's Welcome



The mission of the Intellectual Virtues Academy is to nurture the deep personal qualities essential to excellent thinking and lifelong learning. It is with great joy that I welcome you to learn about IVA and to consider reimagining middle school education.

For me personally, this position has also been a reimagining of the professionalism of educators who themselves desire to grow in their intellectual virtues and find ongoing meaning and purpose in our the opportunities we create for students to enter into thinking, learning, and understanding together. IVA educators use the principles, postures, and practices of an intellectual character education that consider the whole person and how we contribute to a culture of thinking together. 

Whether we are in person or learning from a distance, our mission and vision are compelling as they direct us toward each other. 

At IVA we aim to guide students into deep, complex learning and, in that adventure, support individual character growth. We know that growth in intellectual virtues occurs in the context of positive relationships and is the product of rigorous and reflective engagement with academic content. Therefore, we work hard to foster a safe and respectful school environment and to equip students to take an active role in their learning. Our caring and dedicated teachers are passionate about their subject areas and excited about providing students with opportunities for challenge, struggle, and achievement. Our students are learning to connect their daily challenges with the larger and more essential goal of intellectual character growth. Our parents are embracing the chance to communicate with their children using the language of intellectual virtues, to reflect with their children on the value of intellectual struggle, and to model thoughtfulness and continued learning. With students, teachers, staff, and parents united by a shared educational vision, I cannot imagine a more fruitful and flourishing middle school environment.

IVA is well-equipped to help students meet the demands of a 21st century education. Our curriculum emphasizes conceptual understanding, evidence-based problem solving, and critical thinking. Therefore, we are in an excellent position to help our students excel in the new Common Core State Standards. We are also implementing a wide range of cutting edge research in education, including Angela Duckworth’s work on grit, educational strategies developed by researchers at Harvard’s Project Zero, and research described in Paul Tough’s bestselling book How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character (2012), the rich account of what education can be described in Jal Mehta and Sarah Fine's book In Search of Deeper Learning (2019). Most supportive to our mission is the implementation guide offered by our co-founder Dr. Jason Baehr's new book Deep in Thought (2021). 

The opportunity to reimagine school is an educator’s dream. I am honored to be part of this small school team who thoughtfully consider and humbly reflect together to do our part in these exciting broader educational movements. 

To learn and live well, 

Principal Jacquie Bryant

Intellectual Virtues Academy


Public Participation

Members of the public are encouraged to participate in IVA Board Meetings. To ensure an equal sharing opportunity is offered to all those wishing to participate, up to ten participants will be allotted three minutes each to speak on items that are already on the agenda, and up to ten participants will be allotted three minutes each to speak on any school business matters not already on the agenda.

Most often, IVA board meetings have fewer than ten members of the public wishing to participate and can therefore accommodate all requests to participate. Even so, to ensure there is space for your participation, it is suggested that you submit a public testimony request prior to the meeting. Such requests can be delivered to the school directly, or by submitting this form. If more than ten requests are received, they will be accommodated on first-come-first-served basis.

Members of the public may also submit this form to request an item of school business be added to a future board agenda. Such requests must be received at least 10 working days prior to the meeting date and will be forwarded to Howie Fitzgerald, Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Board Chair or designee will determine whether the matter is directly related to school district business.

Important Board Policies

At IVA we value respect, room for disagreement, consideration of multiple perspectives, transparency and due-diligence. We reflect our mission to foster meaningful growth in the nine master virtues by incorporating these virtues into the decision making process and our board policies. The board follows the Carver model of board-governance whereby the board establishes the ends and the staff determines the means to carry out these ends. The board stays out of the day-to-day operations and focuses on governance work at the scheduled meetings.

   IVA DecisionMaking Policy

   IVA Conflict of Interest Policy

   IVA Board Bylaws

   IVA Safe School Policy and Procedures


With some exceptions, IVA's Board of Directors meets the 1st Wednesday of each month beginning at 7pm. Click below for a full schedule:

IVALB Schedule of Board Meetings

To review an agenda prior to the meeting, click the "View Documents" link above. Upcoming agenda's are also posted on IVA's front door. Thank you for your interest!

Available for Public Review

Agenda and minutes of previous meetings are available on our website. Please select either the agenda tab or the minutes tab to review the documents.

View Documents

Fund Reports

IVA receives Education Protection Account funds on a yearly basis, to be used towards teacher salaries. Click below to view IVA's most recent EPA board resolution and plan for spending:

   Education Protection Account Estimates 2023-2024

   Education Protection Account Actuals 2023-2024

Proposition 28 provides funds for schools to implement various arts and music programs. Click below to view IVA's Annual Prop 28 Funding Report:

   Proposition 28 Annual Funding Report 2023-2024

The Learning Recovery Grant provided funds for schools to respond and recover from learning loss associated with the pandemic. Click below for IVA's SY23 and SY24 Learning Recovery Expenditure Report:

   Learning Recovery Block Grant Expenditure Report


Paige Reinstein

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Paige Reinstein is excited to join the IVA team as the Director of Counseling and Culture. Paige just graduated from Chapman University (Class of '23) with a Master's in School Counseling (PPS) and Mental Health Therapy (LPCC).

Paige's email and phone line is available for questions about School-Based Behavioral/ Mental Health Support, Resources for Students/ Families, and High School selection. 

Prior to this, Paige received a Bachelor's Degree from Oberlin College in Creative Writing and English with a Concentration in Education.
Outside of work and school, Paige loves board games, improv comedy, hikes, and most of all their two cats.
Paige chose to work at IVA because of its values of deep thinking over memorizing and culture of providing space for students to be unapologetically themselves.

Linda Ekblad

b_350_438_16777215_00_images_bioimages_lindaekblad.jpgAdministrative Accounting Assistant

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Linda was born and raised in the South of England where she completed her Studies with a background in Event Planning and Hotel Sales.  Prior to gaining experience in the hospitality industry, Linda enjoyed backpacking for eighteen months around the South Pacific, where she enjoyed the flavors and cultures.  

Linda has a passion for growing organic vegetables for her family, to enjoy the benefits of good nutrition.        She believes that we should all live and eat well.

"I was drawn to IVA due to my friendship with Danielle Montiel and a passion for working with children. I value each student’s individuality and appreciate and embrace those who struggle to learn. My hope is that I can share my ideas and curiosity to explore the world."

Julia Cheybun

b_350_400_16777215_00_images_bioimages_Screen_Shot_2020-02-20_at_105201_AM.pngOffice Supervisor & Enrollment Coordinator

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Julia was born and raised in Long Beach, and imagines that she won't ever move too far from Southern California.

Ever since Julia can remember, she knew that she wanted to work in a school. She never knew exactly what she wanted to do but often thought that one day she would become a teacher... an elementary school teacher, to be exact. Over time, she learned that she just didn't hold the passion for teaching, but still loved the thought of an education related career. Just before graduating from high school, she realized that she eventually wanted to become an academic counselor. With this dream in mind, she attended CSULB and received a B.A. in Psychology.

"Prior to working at IVA, I had only worked in elementary school settings and finally felt like I needed to expand my knowledge, and learn more about working with older students. I was lucky enough to find a job posting for IVA, and quickly applied. After one visit to IVA's website, and reading all the faculty and staff bios, I knew that I wanted to work with the great group! Everyday here, I find myself learning more and more about each of the master virtues just as all of the students are." 

Nurasyikin Abdul Jalil

b_320_480_16777215_00_images_bioimages_AbdulJalil_Nurasyikin.jpgOffice Assistant

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Syikin Jalil is a native of Singapore where she was born and raised before moving to Australia at a young age for school. She obtained a degree in Mass communications from Curtin University of Technology in Perth,Western Australia. Prior to her move to the U.S., she worked in marketing, advertising, and public relations. She currently lives in Long Beach, California with her husband and their son. They enjoy weekly movie nights, entertaining family and friends with elaborate meals, and soaking up the wonderful Californian weather.

After moving to California, Syikin held various positions in office administration before taking a break to concentrate on family. Her position as IVA's office assistant is her first stint back into the workforce and she is extremely eager to be working for IVA and to be part of the IVA family.

"Growing up with two relatives who were teachers and seeing their workload, being one never appealed to me. However, after having my own child and being active as a volunteer and PTA member at his school, I knew my next step was to involve myself in a school environment. IVA is a top choice as I love IVA's vision and how it aligns with my own values. Cultivating lifelong learners is important. I'm impressed that IVA encourages this because this will change how the future generation shapes the communities we live in"

Rachel Gordon

b_350_438_16777215_00_images_bioimages_rachelgordon.jpgDean of Students & Co-Teaching Art with Ms. Stanley  

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Before coming to IVA, Rachel Gordon taught for 14 years at Rosa Parks Elementary School in Lynwood, CA, where she was originally placed by Teach for America. Here is where she learned the value of a strong community and what can be gained by better understanding the experiences of others.

Born and raised in New Jersey, Rachel got her BA in English from Rutgers University, her MA in Elementary Education from Loyola Marymount University, and her single-subject science credential from the California State University of Long Beach. Rachel began her career at IVA in 2016 as a Science and Physical Education teacher.  Then in response to the need for more math support, Rachel and Cari Noble created the Algebra Lab and Math Lab support classes. She and her husband Mark have two children: Emery and Miles.

"After teaching in a traditional public school where success and failure were measured only by test scores, I believe many students are missing out on learning what it takes to persist in unpredictable and complex lives. I want to examine the processes and challenges we go through, especially when they are difficult. Studying and teaching with an emphasis on experience and thinking motivates me because I am able to get to the core of what matters and what promotes life-long success. I love learning through collaboration the elements of a meaningful education."

Jacquie Bryant


Founding Principal
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Jacquie Bryant is a veteran educator and IVA's founding principal. Ms. Bryant regards personal formation and character growth as a primary goal in education for both students and staff. Ms. Bryant is IVA's second employee and arrived shortly after IVA's Charter was written by its founders and authorized by LBUSD in 2013. Ms. Bryant has systematically implemented an intellectual character educational model in curriculum selection, hiring for teachers and staff, professional development and strategic planning with the board, and all aspects of our academic program grounded in IVA's mission and vision.

Ms. Bryant previously taught all levels of English Language Arts for ten years at the comprehensive high school, San Pedro HS in LA Unified. As a teacher she appreciated classrooms where students engaged with rigorous learning and metacognitive awareness at the same time and was super excited to see the connection of these in intellectual virtues. At San Pedro High, Ms. Bryant also worked as an instructional coach, helped lead school-wide professional development, and participated in the WASC accreditation process. While Ms. Bryant was teaching at SPHS she earned a a single subject clear credential in English from Cal State Long Beach, a Master's in Rhetoric and Composition, and an Administrative Credential from Cal State Dominguez Hills.

Ms. Bryant finds transformation and flourishing in the language of virtues and intellectual character and is eager to apply all of these deep and profound human goods into creating the adult community of educators and families that support student growth. She believes that intellectual character growth is personally meaningful for everyone involved at the school, and specifically seeks to support the culture of adults at a school as it has a direct impact on the culture of thinking that students experience. She finds meaning and purpose in the language of the virtues and its impact on teaching and learning and on her own continued intellectual character growth. Over the years, she has partnered with university-based researchers to train other teachers and leaders in virtue education. She finds joy in hosting visiting educator teams to observe classes in session and experience a pedagogy seminar grounded in intellectual virtues education. 

Ms. Bryant is currently enrolled in the University of Birmingham's Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues studying for a Masters in Character Education. 

Richard Williams

b_345_518_16777215_00_images_bioimages_Williams-Richard-StudentID-01578.jpgDirector of Programs and Operations

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Richard Williams is a career educator and is dedicated to the ideal that every child deserves the chance to receive a high-quality education.  He spent his first ten years in education at Green Dot Public Schools, a charter management organization with schools across the country.  At Green Dot, Mr. Williams had the joy of being a high-school math teacher in Inglewood, a data-analyst, and an operations and finance director.  During his time as a teacher, Mr. Williams participated in the original IVA Pedagogy Seminars and was inspired and invigorated by the vision for IVA.  Years later, he feels privileged to call this place home.
Mr. Williams lives with his wife and three young boys in Long Beach.  He is a Southern California native, through and through.  He earned an B.A. in Philosophy from Biola University, his single-subject math credential from Loyola Marymount, and his MBA from UCLA Anderson.
“I love education, and I believe access to a high-quality education is a fundamental right that should be afforded to every student.  I feel so lucky that I can use my unique set of skills and knowledge to support the functioning of a school that is doing right by students and families."

Martha Esquivias

b_342_514_16777215_00_images_bioimages_Esquivias-Martha-StudentID-01518.jpgSocial Science Teacher

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Martha is a Cal State Long Beach graduate, with a bachelor's degree in sociology, and her single subject teaching credential in history. Prior to IVA, Ms. Esquivias worked with the Long Beach Public Library, as well as a K-12 substitute teacher in Compton and Long Beach. Ms. Esquivias truly enjoys working with youth and is passionate about helping students find joy in learning about history and becoming critical and deep thinkers. In her free time, she enjoys watching reruns of Gilmore Girls, spending time with her husband and their golden retriever Twix, cooking, and working out. 

"I was drawn to IVA because of their student-centered approach, which focuses on deep thinking and personal growth. Each of the virtues play a role in helping students build a sense of autonomy and confidence in their learning. In particular, I am a huge fan of the virtues of curiosity and open-mindedness because I feel like those really drive the social sciences. I am eager to be a part of IVA, and I look forward to playing a role in helping our students succeed and achieve their personal and academic goals."

Sherry Eutsey

b_352_470_16777215_00_images_bioimages_Sherry_Eutsey_Bio_Image.jpgPhysical Education Teacher

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Sherry Eutsey is a recent graduate of California State University, Long Beach, where she received her teaching credential in Physical Education. She also attended California State University, Fullerton where she earned her Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology. She has learned Montessori principles as a teacher in Newport Beach in which she feels compliments the way the virtues give the students an opportunity to grow as an individual in our community. 

Ms. Eutsey credits her curiosity in finding ways students are able to learn the benefits of being physically active throughout their lifetime. Ms. Eutsey loves to go on multiple adventures, where she is able to have a deeper connection with her family and find peace within her life. She is very creative and always finds a way to make each moment a time to enjoy and share and create smiles and memories.

“I was intringed to see how IVA connects their mission values to their different subjects taught at the school. I love the idea of having a team and a family and after meeting and getting to know the staff at this school they not only say they care about one another but show it through their actions. My goal is to help every student learn the importance of physical activity throughout their lifetime. Along with IVA’s virtues, my goals interconnect with helping the students find their own self through trial and error. I also like to participate in the games and activities to show the students movement is good.”

Rachel Stanley

b_351_527_16777215_00_images_bioimages_Stanley-Rachel-StudentID-01485.jpgPhysical Education & Art Teacher

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Rachel Stanley is a two-time graduate of California State University, Long Beach, where she received her bachelor's degree in Fine Art and her teaching credential in Physical Education.  She has been a substitute teacher with Long Beach Unified and Los Alamitos Unified School Districts since 2017, with a particular focus on middle school, and has also been a swim instructor for 13 years.  She comes to IVA after spending the past two years as a long-term substitute in middle school PE with Long Beach Unified.  Ms. Stanley credits her lifelong love of the water and the outdoors with sparking her passion for physical education.  In addition to swimming, she spends much of her time running, walking, and cycling around Seal Beach and Long Beach.  She also loves music and dance, and fits them into her PE classes whenever possible!
"I was drawn to IVA because I enjoy the chance to build relationships, both with my students and with other teachers, and realized a smaller school with a more tight-knit community would provide better opportunities to connect.  I share IVA's vision of helping students get to know themselves through identifying their own interests, strengths, and needs for growth, and equipping them to live well in their teen and adult years by teaching them how to develop their own fitness and health goals.  To help my students develop positive connections with physical activity, I teach a variety of skills and activities, and use games or music to make it fun and engaging.  When students find movement activities they genuinely enjoy, it empowers and motivates them to make exercise and fitness a part of their daily lives."

Lindsey Baur

b_342_513_16777215_00_images_bioimages_Baur-Lindsey-StudentID-01599.jpgMathematics Teacher

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Lindsey came to Long Beach for school from the San Francisco Bay Area. She graduated with her BA in kinesiology from CSULB in 2021. While happily working at a local coffee shop, her passion for holistic health, wellness and development has led her to an intern position at Kevala Ayurveda Wellness and to IVA.

In her free time this past year, Lindsey has become an avid runner taking part in many SoCal race events. She is always up to some new activity as she seeks adventure and new experiences every day.

"I was drawn to IVA through its focus on the holistic development of their students as individuals, and their mission to teach habits of learning which supports students’ passions and lifelong exploration of themselves and the world around them."

Tiffany Salazar

b_348_523_16777215_00_images_bioimages_Salazar-Tiffany-StudentID-00968.jpgPhysical Education Teacher & Behavior Support Supervisor

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Tiffany was born in Los Angeles and raised in the city of El Monte. Earned my B.S in kinesiology from Cal Poly Pomona and was a member of the Women's Soccer Team for two years. She is in the process of pursuing her Physical Education teaching credential at CSULB. Tiffany plans to advocate the value of sports and movement, which contribute to living a healthy lifestyle by promoting physical activity and healthy habits that can improve the quality of life.

"I was drawn to IVAs unique approach to teaching that invites students to explore, practice and apply a set of virtues to their study habits in an environment that is safe and allows room for individuality. The opportunity to know themselves and live well as the vision statement states which brings significance to their day to day life on and off campus."

Michele Bolanos

b_346_520_16777215_00_images_bioimages_Bolanos-Michele-StudentID-01138.jpgScience Teacher

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Michele graduated from UC Irvine with a bachelors in Environmental Science and education along with a single subject science/ biology teaching credential through their CalTeach program. She has taught middle school science for the past 5 years. Before coming to IVA, Michele was teaching 7th grade science at Beverly Vista Middle School in BHUSD.

Michele loves singing and making art. At the end of a long day, she will decompress with some video games or look forward to a fun board game night. She also has an escape room addiction and a love for anime and Disney movies.

"When I learned about IVA's 9 master virtues, I saw that they aligned very well with my personal teaching philosophy. They focused on growth and depth of learning and the real process of critical thinking. But even more than that, what made me want to be a part of IVA was the people. When I met the staff and faculty, I saw people who truly believed in their message and mission, people who cared about their students and each other. I am so thankful to be able to be a part of a school that is so diverse, welcoming, and passionate about learning."

Alex Rosas

b_347_522_16777215_00_images_bioimages_Rosas-Alex-StudentID-01370.jpgSocial Science Teacher

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Alex comes to IVA from a non-profit background where she worked to provide housing for homeless veterans and families with Century Housing. Through this experience, she was inspired to follow her passion for teaching in an effort to provide a safe, supportive space for youth. Alex was born and raised overseas and speaks Romanian and Spanish. She enjoys traveling, dancing, taking care of her Shiba Inu puppy, Leo and spending time with her family, friends and husband, Gustavo.

Alex holds a Single Subject Credential in Social Science from CSULB, as well as BA’s in International Studies and Spanish from CSULB. Before IVA, Mrs. Rosas student-taught at Hughes Middle School in Long Beach and has been teaching dance for 13 years.

“I am so impressed with IVA’s commitment to deep thinking and developing lifelong learners and am so excited to be a part of this community. In a world where students are inundated with a variety of perspectives and media, social science and intellectual virtues play a vital role in teaching students how to sort through information and develop their own thinking. I am committed to being a lifelong learner and I want to encourage curiosity and autonomy in my classroom to help students take initiative in their own learning. I hope to empower students to see themselves as agents of change in their communities, enable them to use intellectual virtues to think deeply about the kind of world they want to see and tenaciously enact change.” 

Alyssa Zamora

b_345_518_16777215_00_images_bioimages_Pritchett-Alyssa-StudentID-01603.jpgLiterature and Composition Teacher

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Alyssa comes to IVA with a bachelor's degree in English Literature from Hope International University. She also holds a Single Subject Credential in English from Hope International University. Prior to IVA, Alyssa has taught at La Habra High School and worked as a substitute teacher for the Pomona Unified School District. Alyssa also has experience coaching boys and girls tennis at the high school level. In her free time she is either tending to her plants, trying new coffee shops, or trying new recipes in her kitchen. 
"I was immediately drawn to IVA's mission and vision. To equip every student with the skills to learn and live well is the exact reason I got into teaching. I want to empower my students to be the best versions of themselves. I also greatly appreciate that I can use literature as a tool to help students grow in their intellectual characters. From looking at different literary texts I can encourage students to be curious, thorough, and courageous in their thinking. I am so thankful to be apart of this amazing community where the virtues model is interwoven in every aspect of education." 

Linh Phan

b_348_464_16777215_00_images_bioimages_Phan_Linh.jpgScience Teacher

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Many years ago, when Linh was an undergraduate student with little idea of what to do after college, he saw a flier that read “Volunteer at local schools! Free Pizza!” Although he originally only went for the pizza, the meeting redirected Linh towards a meaningful path of teaching. At UC San Diego, he went on to earn an undergraduate degree in Biochemistry and a masters degree in science education. He has years of experience from working in K-12 schools in San Diego, LA County, Orange County, and in places as far away as Beijing, China. His favorite part of the job is helping students grow and develop into the people they are capable of becoming. Outside of school hours, you can probably find Linh playing basketball, making music, or walking somewhere out in nature.

"I am grateful to work at IVA, a learning environment that promotes a love for learning and self-actualization. Furthermore, I believe that IVA advocates the skills, habits, and virtues that are needed to consciously participate in the beautiful, but complicated world that we live in today."