
Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)

Each school district and charter school must engage parents, educators, employees and the community to establish a local accountability plan. This document is called the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). The LCAP describes IVA's overall vision for students, provides accountability for annual goals, and outlines how we will achieve those goals through specific actions. LCAPs must align their goals with eight state priorities.

After soliciting feedback and input from a variety of stakeholder groups, IVA's 2023-2024 LCAP was given public hearing at the May 15, 2024 board meeting and officially adopted by the board at the June 5, 2024 board meeting.

Previous Year LCAPs and Supporting Documents

2023-2024 LCAP and Supporting Documents

2022-2023 LCAP and Supporting Documents

2021-2022 LCAP and Supporting Documents

2020-2021 Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP) 

2019-2020 LCAP and Supporting Documents

Local Control and Accountability Plans from 2019 and Before

School Accountability Report Card (SARC)

Click here to access IVA's 2023-2024 School Accountability Report Card (SARC)

You can learn more about the SARC through the CDE's resources:

IVA's School Accountability Report Card is available at the link at the top of this page, or on the California Department of Education's website using IVA's official school name: Intellectual Virtues Academy of Long Beach. The SARC reports on previous year information submitted in February of each year. 

You can also review IVA's State CAASP Test Scores here, comparing IVA's results to LBUSD and to the State of CA.



IVA is the 1,504th charter school in the State of California and the first to be founded on the innovative educational model of intellectual character virtues. Charter schools are free, public independent schools authorized by their local school district or county office of education. Charter petitions go through a regular renewal processes. 
IVA's Charter is authorized by the Long Beach Unified School District. The original petition was adopted by LBUSD in 2012 and received a renewal in 2016 which extends through June 2024. We love our charter petition as it describes the educational model along financial and compliance elements. We encourage you to read our charter and let us know if you have any questions. 
As an independent public charter school IVA creates plans and goals related to budget expenditures reported through the LCAP, or Local Control Accountability Plan. To create the annual LCAP IVA engages with parents, educators, employees, students and the community. Parents are engaged both informally through Parent Academy and other direct contact meetings and formally annual parent surveys and public board meetings. IVA's LCAP takes into account results and feedback annually as the school creates plans to address implementing the mission and vision toward both academic and social-emotional support. Please see the LCAP page for specifics.
IVA annually updates school data through the SARC or School Accountability Report Card. 


Our Charter

IVA's Charter is authorized by the Long Beach Unified School District. The original petition was adopted by LBUSD in 2012. Based on a proven track record of high performance IVA received a 5 year renewal in 2016 and a 7 year renewal in 2023. IVA's current charter term lasts through June 2030.
IVA's charter is a thorough document that describes the mission, vision, and educational model offered by this school. Click on the links below to review our original charter document from 2012 or our renewal charter petition from 2016.

     2012 Original Charter Petition