IVA students have 6 classes including LitComp, Social Science, Math, Science, Physical Education and an exploration course. Students see three of their classes four days a week and alternate to experience Advisory and visit 2 classes on Thursdays for our early release day. IVA's block schedule is an extended block schedule, almost 2 hours long! IVA teachers and students love the extended block time to be able to dig deeply into content and questions and experience multiple approaches to the the same content within that time. Students can discuss a big question, read, analyze, write, collaborate, receive feedback, and reflect all within one class. IVA classes thrive in inquiry and discussion-based interactive environments and also rely on regular brain breaks knowing that our middle schoolers cannot sit still for long and that our brains need physical activity.
Each IVA course is taught by a single-subject credentialed teacher. IVA also offers intervention during the school day with Office Hours after the first block where students can opt to receive support from their teacher or select an extended break. More than half of IVA students select office hours on a daily basis and this practice of decision-making develops strong relationships with autonomy in learning, trust of teachers, and self-reliance in students.
On Thursdays, IVA students begin with an hour of Advisory then see two of their classes. While students are released at 1pm, teachers participate in professional development together from 1:30-3:30pm weekly.